# Written by Claudio on Thursday 19 January 2017 21:25, read 10406 times.

A while back, I wrote an npm package to convert a list of strings into a compact, readable representation with delimiters of choice, and wanted to give it a name that represented what the tool does. I opted for sandwich, because it hints at… Read more

# Written by Claudio on Wednesday 18 January 2017 17:39, read 12157 times.

After reinventing the wheel a number of times, I decided it was time to consolidate some of the styles and guidelines I've been applying throughout my web apps into a consistent, single style guide that embodied the design principles and artifacts… Read more

Tagged with: Responsive-design, UX, CSS, Sass, SCSS

# Written by Claudio on Monday 2 January 2017 21:58, read 11616 times.

After some hacking, I added the ability to export an SVG path to Victoria Kirst's bezier tool, and pushed the code to the forked repo. Feel free to send PRs and issues 😄 If I have time in the coming days I'd love to also add the ability… Read more

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# Written by Claudio on Sunday 1 January 2017 12:37, read 11995 times.

Whoa, I was looking for a visual SVG bezier path editor, and I came across Victoria Kirst's Bezier Tool. I wonder what's the license like and if I can improve or extend it? Stay tuned for updates. Update Victoria put Bezier Tool on… Read more

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# Written by Claudio on Saturday 31 December 2016 19:42, read 11221 times.

Here I am at the end of another year. It's time for a review of the last twelve months, unexpectedly quick and packed of events. Work Last year's job search was overwhelmingly good. I got the privilege of having conversations with amazing… Read more

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# Written by Claudio on Thursday 26 November 2015 15:37, read 10397 times.

I was reading an article on photography the other day, which commented a passage from the book Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages. The author of the book shows how recent experiments demonstrated that different… Read more

# Written by Claudio on Wednesday 18 November 2015 18:16, read 8812 times.

I came across the need to iterate over the nodes returned by document.querySelectorAll() yesterday, in order to manipulate each of the nodes without mediation from any framework e.g. jQuery. The return value of document.querySelectorAll() is a non-live NodeList.… Read more

Tagged with: JavaScript, Dom

# Written by Claudio on Tuesday 17 November 2015 18:17, read 7458 times.

​ Babel, now at version 6, is a powerful and modular JavaScript compiler that can swallow ES2015 aka ES6 syntax, as well as experimental language syntax under evaluation. This is a little nit that I came across while investigating the… Read more

Tagged with: Jsx Babel Javascript

# Written by Claudio on Saturday 17 October 2015 22:13, read 9031 times.

When I joined the IBM Connections project, it took me little to realize that few or none of our end users were seeing our product as we developed it, i.e. with the default styles and UX. Connections is IBM’s flagship enterprise social collaboration… Read more

Tagged with: Tech, JavaScript, Development, UX, CSS

# Written by Claudio on Friday 9 October 2015 22:39, read 7404 times.

Today it's the fifty-second anniversary of the Vajont Dam DIsaster. The Vajont Dam was one of the most daring civil engineering projects in the world back then. The dam, designed and constructed by a private energy company, the Società… Read more

Tagged with: Memory, History, Anniversary