# Written by Claudio on Friday 9 October 2015 20:12, read 3672 times.

​ This week I found inspiration and made two watercolor drawings. The first one is a view of the castle of Soave near Verona, in the north of Italy. The second is the view of the castle of Trakai Island, in Lithuania. They're… Read more

Tagged with: Art, Sketches, Watercolors

# Written by Claudio on Thursday 8 October 2015 22:29, read 3308 times.

Today's reading list is a collection of articles on Style Guides and Style Guide Driven Design: Clearleft explain their rationale and approach for the redesign of Code for America Website Style Guide Resources showcases a collection of… Read more

# Written by Claudio on Wednesday 7 October 2015 20:43, read 3046 times.

I came across NodeSchool and its workshopper format for self-paced learning quite early, I reckon it was around October 2013 at LXJS in Lisbon, Portugal. It comes from the brilliant minds of Rod Vagg, Dominic Tarr, Max Ogden, and James… Read more

Tagged with: Tech, NPM, NodeJS, JavaScript, NodeSchool

# Written by Claudio on Thursday 17 September 2015 00:00, read 3119 times.

Docker is a popular platform to build, distribute and deploy portable applications, based on container technology. Application containers are one of the most important components of the cloud platform, allowing to quickly provision and deploy running… Read more

Tagged with: Tech, CICD, Devops, Containers