# Written by Claudio on Wednesday 7 October 2015 20:43, read 3361 times.

I came across NodeSchool and its workshopper format for self-paced learning quite early, I reckon it was around October 2013 at LXJS in Lisbon, Portugal. It comes from the brilliant minds of Rod Vagg, Dominic Tarr, Max Ogden, and James Halliday, among the others. I liked the unique mix of old text-based videogame, DOS-like shell interface, and gamification aspect to teaching yourself NodeJS and related technologies. I even started a GitHub repo to hold my solutions.

A lot of time has passed since then, and NodeSchool is now the staple of learning at the various NodeSchool chapters, like the one in Dublin brillianty run by David McMullin and many others. NodeSchool chapters host workshops where people with little or no proficiency with JavaScript, NodeJS or other Web-related technologies can attend and be guided by mentors who help them run the exercises. The list of workshops is ever growing and is now topping 30.

Having gained some proficiency with NodeJS and seeing an obvious gap in the absence of a dedicated workshopper for the Sass CSS preprocessor language, I decided to write one myself. It turned out to be quite a simple task, given that the workshopper format is open source and well documented.

The learn-sass workshop has 12 exercises on the basic functions of Sass, and allows the student to verify the solutions. You can easily install it using NPM:

$ npm install -g learn-sass
$ learn-sass

Let me know what you think! Leave a comment or open an issue.



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